Thursday, August 5, 2010

to swap or not to swap that is the question

SO I am curious I have done swaps in the past and they have been fine, but this summer I have done 2 and both have been bad experience's. The first one I never heard back from my swap partner and then finally did through the person hosting the swap and got her address. I mailed a awesome package but then never got one in return. The next swap that I did I got my package but mine was a little late getting out because of one of the things that i ordered was late getting to me. Got a email today from the host er saying that i moved my blog and would never be able to swap in this town again. I am totally confused. Has anyone ever had experience's like this? Is this normal? I never said anything when i didn't get the first package because i didn't want to make anyone feel bad. Should I have?  I also did a book swap and got a email that people were over swaping. blurgh